Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Laporan Referal Affiliate bulanan

Yang terhormat vera wati (vera wati),

Berikut laporan statistik affiliate anda untuk informasi lengkap anda dapat login ke member area

Total Pengunjung 3

Penghasilan : Rp0.00

Jumlah di tarik: Rp0.00

Pendaftaran Baru Anda Bulan ini

Signup DateLayananJumlahDurasi PembayaranCommissionStatusYou have currently not received any signups

Ingat, Anda dapat merujuk pelanggan baru dengan menggunakan link afiliasi Anda dengan alamat berikut :

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Telp (0274) 8300047/YM Jogjahost_cs2 / Jogjahost_cs3/ Tehnikal Support

Untuk bergabung di facebook jogjahost silahkan kunjungi

Lowongan. Di cari Web Design dan Web Programing. Informasi lengkap silahkan kunjungi

Senin, 30 Januari 2012

The Most Burning SEO Questions... Finally Answered

Dear Fellow Monkee's,

Today I want to tell you about an SEO Report that my friend
Gavin just sent me, and I must say I'm impressed. Gavin and
Jake both know a lot about SEO and therefore their report
will add a lot of value to your business.

In this report they're answering all the most burning SEO
questions so you can free yourself from confusion, doubt,
frustation, and crappy Google rankings.

The information in this report is very valuable, it can
easily adds 100's if not 1000's to your business, and you
can get it for $9.95 only...

Click this link to download it now:

To Your Success in Business & Life,

Colin Klinkert
Founder of SocialMonkee

P.S. - Make sure you 'Like' our Facebook Page to have
access to our latest news and updates as well as our
special offers for Facebook friends only!

P.P.S. - Here is the link to the SEO Report again:

Thank you!

To stop getting these emails, log into your account
and click on your name in the top right. On this profile
page you can opt out of the newsletter, or even delete
your account.

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Changes to Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

Is this email not displaying properly?
View it in your browser.

Dear Google user,

We're getting rid of over 60 different privacy policies across Google and replacing them with one that's a lot shorter and easier to read. Our new policy covers multiple products and features, reflecting our desire to create one beautifully simple and intuitive experience across Google.

We believe this stuff matters, so please take a few minutes to read our updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service at These changes will take effect on March 1, 2012.

One policy, one Google experience
Easy to work across Google Tailored for you Easy to share and collaborate
Easy to work across Google

Our new policy reflects a single product experience that does what you need, when you want it to. Whether reading an email that reminds you to schedule a family get-together or finding a favorite video that you want to share, we want to ensure you can move across Gmail, Calendar, Search, YouTube, or whatever your life calls for with ease.

Tailored for you

If you're signed into Google, we can do things like suggest search queries – or tailor your search results – based on the interests you've expressed in Google+, Gmail, and YouTube. We'll better understand which version of Pink or Jaguar you're searching for and get you those results faster.

Easy to share and collaborate

When you post or create a document online, you often want others to see and contribute. By remembering the contact information of the people you want to share with, we make it easy for you to share in any Google product or service with minimal clicks and errors.

Protecting your privacy hasn't changed

Our goal is to provide you with as much transparency and choice as possible, through products like Google Dashboard and Ads Preferences Manager, alongside other tools. Our privacy principles remain unchanged. And we'll never sell your personal information or share it without your permission (other than rare circumstances like valid legal requests).

Understand how Google uses your data

If you want to learn more about your data on Google and across the web, including tips and advice for staying safe online, check out

Got questions?
We got answers.

Visit our FAQ at to read more about the changes. (We figured our users might have a question or twenty-two.)

Notice of Change

March 1, 2012 is when the new Privacy Policy and Terms will come into effect. If you choose to keep using Google once the change occurs, you will be doing so under the new Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Please do not reply to this email. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Also, never enter your Google Account password after following a link in an email or chat to an untrusted site. Instead, go directly to the site, such as or Google will never email you to ask for your password or other sensitive information.

Promo Jogjahost Januari 2012 Diskon 75% DIperpanjang


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Diskon 75% Berlaku untuk maksimal 75 Pembeli Share Hosting

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Diskon 50% Berlaku untuk maksimal 100 Pembeli Share Hosting

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Diskon 35% Berlaku untuk maksimal 100 Pembeli Share Hosting

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Ok silahkan kunjungi untuk order


Manfaatkan promo ini sebaik-baiknya



Promo ini berlaku s/d 10 Februari 2012

Promo ini hanya berlaku untuk pembalian baru, tidak untuk upgrade

Dengan menngunakan kode promosi ini maka, garansi uang kembali tidak berlaku

Kode promo hanya berlaku dengan paket paket hosting yang sudah ditentukan dan juga metode pembayaran yang sudah di tentukan, jika ada kode promosi tidak dapat digunakan silahkan segera hubungi kami

jika vera berkenan, vera boleh meneruskan email ini ke teman teman vera siapa tahu teman vera sedang membutuhkan hosting


Demikian update terbaru dari kami. jika ada hal yang kurang jelas jangan sungkan menghubungi kami









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Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Promo Jogjahost Januari 2012 Diskon 75%


Kepada vera

Berikut kode promosi terbaru yang dapat digunakan untuk pembelian hosting

Diskon 75% Berlaku untuk 50 Pembeli Share Hosting pertama
Gunakan kode promosi jh0175xx bisa digunakan untuk pembelian hosting secara tahunan dengan paket hosting
Extrem Server IIX atau Server US
Extra Extrem Server IIX atau Server US

Diskon 50% Berlaku untuk 100 Pembeli pertama
Gunakan kode promosi jh0150xx bisa digunakan untuk pembelian hosting secara tahunan dengan paket hosting
Advance Server IIX atau Server US
Expert Server IIX atau Server US
Extrem Server IIX atau Server US
Extra Extrem Server IIX atau Server US

Diskon 35% Berlaku untuk 200 Pembeli pertama
Gunakan kode promosi jh0135xx bisa digunakan untuk pembelian hosting secara tahunan dengan paket hosting
Advance Server IIX atau Server US
Expert Server IIX atau Server US
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Extra Server IIX atau Server US
Basic Server IIX atau Server US
Beginner Server IIX atau Server US

Ok silahkan kunjungi untuk order

Manfaatkan promo ini sebaik-baiknya

Promo ini berlaku mulai 6 Januari s/d 16 Januari 2012
Dengan menngunakan kode promosi ini maka, garansi uang kembali tidak berlaku
Kode promo hanya berlaku dengan paket paket hosting yang sudah ditentukan dan juga metode pembayaran yang sudah di tentukan, jika ada kode promosi tidak dapat digunakan silahkan segera hubungi kami
jika vera berkenan, vera boleh meneruskan email ini ke teman teman vera siapa tahu teman vera sedang membutuhkan hosting

Demikian update terbaru dari kami. jika ada hal yang kurang jelas jangan sungkan menghubungi kami




Telp (0274) 8300046/YM Jogjahostbilling /Billing dan Administrasi

Telp (0274) 8300047/YM Jogjahost_cs2 / Jogjahost_cs3/ Tehnikal Support

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

New Year Special: Get a Free Social Bookmarking Site

Dear Fellow Monkee,

First, I'd like to take the opportunity to wish you
a Happy New Year! For this occasion, we prepared a
New Year Special Offer for you: another chance to get
a Free Social Bookmarking Site.

We will build it from scratch, create a unique design
and logo design, and plug it in SocialMonkee so it
receives fresh content every day. That's free content
and traffic for you.

You can find all the details here:

The idea here is for you to add text and/or banner ads
to your site and create an additional revenue stream.
It works for us and many others... why not for you!

If you missed out last time (Black Friday), make sure
you take it now as this offer is limited to 3 days or
25 orders (whatever comes first).

To Your Success in Business & Life,

Colin Klinkert
Founder of SocialMonkee

P.S. - Make sure you 'Like' our Facebook Page to have
access to our latest news and updates as well as our
special offers for Facebook friends only!

Thank you!

To stop getting these emails, log into your account
and click on your name in the top right. On this profile
page you can opt out of the newsletter, or even delete
your account.