Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa 1432 H


Alhamdulilah, Bulan Rahmadhan telah datang kembali

Kami Segenap Keluarga Besar PT JOGJAHOST Mengucapkan

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa 1432 H

Bersama ini juga kami ingin menyampaikan jadwal kerja baru kami
selama bulan puasa

Senin - Jumat Layanan Kami Hanya Pada
00.00 S/D 17.00 WIB Dan 20.30 S/D 24WIB

Sabtu - Minggu Layanan Kami Hanya Pada
08.00 S/D 17.00 WIB

JogjaHost Support Team
SUPPORT : 0274-8300047
BILLING-MARKETING : 0274-8300048

YM Jogjahostbilling
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Jalan Nyi Tjondroloekito d/h Monjali Km 3.65 Blunyah Gede No91 Mlati Sleman Yogyakarta 55284 INDONESIA


Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Ada Diskon Untuk vera Yang Semangat di Pagi ini!


Halo vera Selamat pagi..

Pagi - pagi masih semangat dan kami punya ide baru untuk
mengeluarkan promo lagi dengan kode promosi "semangatpagi"

Dapatkan diskon untuk pembelian semua layanan hosting dan domain
dengan nilai diskon 15%

Kode promosi berlaku sampai dengan 31 Juli 2011

kunjungi http://www.jogjahost.com/Layanan-Hosting.php untuk

jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini

JogjaHost Marketing Team
SUPPORT : 0274-8300047
BILLING-MARKETING : 0274-8300048

YM Jogjahostbilling
YM Jogjahost_cs2
YM Jogjahost_cs3
Jalan Monjali Blunyah Gede No 91, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55286, INDONESIA

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Even Snakes Love a Ferrari [Awesome, Real Pictures Inside]...

Dear Monkee's,

This first thing I want to share with you has NOTHING
to do with your link building, rankings, or income…


It happened at my house in Australia, my brother who
now runs http://www.greenlightarticles.com/likes/106
took these amazing pictures of a 2m snake in our garage!

Talking about branding though, we should try and
sell the 3rd picture to Ferrari… See where his body
is wrapped around!


Seriously… This is not staged or faked at all, how
cool is that? After checking out the 4 picture sequence
in this blog post, if you liked it, please can you share
it on the social sites like Digg, Reddit, Facebook etc.


Thanks again and hope you think they are as cool as I do!

Now for a small plug on backlinking from a good friend
of mine. He is an SEO expert who provides SEO services,
and today he just launched a new special offer, but
he can handle 300 websites only:


He gets results and his rates are great on this offer, so
if you are interested in getting some strong backlinks
then I suggest you check it out.

Other than that, I hope you're having a good 'hump day'
(Slang for Wednesday - or middle of the week)

All The Best in Your Top Rankings Quest,

Colin Klinkert
CEO, SocialMonkee.com

P.S - If you haven't added me yet, please come and
say hi and connect with me on Google Plus (Google+)


You are getting these emails because you are subscribed
to our SocialMonkee updates newsletter. If you want to
stop getting these updates, please login to your account
here: http://www.socialmonkee.com/login.php and then
click on your name in the top right. This will give you the
option to either opt out of our newsletter, or delete your

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Complete your registration for SocialMonke

Hello vera ,

Welcome to SocialMonkee.

Please click the link below to complete the sign up process:


To get started, Please watch the Video on the dashboard, this is very important to ensure you get the most out of your membership :)

Thank you for joining, we hope you will love it,

Colin Klinkert
& The SocialMonkee Team

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Diskon 10% Untuk Registrasi Domain Baru di jogjahost.com


Halo vera Ini merupakan email notifikasi perihal promo yang
di keluarkan jogjahost untuk minggu ini

Diskon sebesar 10% Untuk pembelian domain .com .net .org .info
silahkan gunakan kode promosi jhdomc100725

Kode promosi berlaku sampai dengan 25 Juli 2011

kunjungi http://member.jogjahost.com/cart.php?a=add&domain=register untuk pemesanan

jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini

JogjaHost Marketing Team
SUPPORT : 0274-8300047
BILLING-MARKETING : 0274-8300048

YM Jogjahostbilling
YM Jogjahostbillingtwo
YM Jogjahost_cs2
YM Jogjahost_cs3
Jalan Nyi Tjondroloekito d/h Monjali Km 3.65 Blunyah Gede No91 Mlati Sleman Yogyakarta 55284 INDONESIA