Senin, 29 November 2010

The Daily Feed Alert: Feedjit Cyber Monday ends in 2 hours

Just a quick note: We've had an incredible response to our Feedjit Rush Cyber Monday Sale. Feedjit generated the most sales today in the history of our company. It's also the first Cyber Monday/Thanksgiving sale we've had and needless to say we will be doing it again next year. 

Thanks again to all who participated. The sale ends at 12 midnight Mountain Standard time which is in just over 2 hours, so make sure you place any last minute orders before then.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Feedjit!

Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO

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Our postal address is: 1916 Pike Place, Suite 12365, Seattle, WA, 98101.

The Daily Feed Alert: Cyber Monday Feedjit Rush Special Now Live

The Feedjit Rush Cyber Monday Special is now on. We've slashed all our prices by 40%. The offer is only available for today. Quantities are limited and are available on a first come first served basis. Click here to order your Rush Ad now and get 40% off.

Last night I said we were launching at 8am Mountain time, 7am Pacific. Our launch this morning was delayed by a little over an hour. Our exact launch time this morning was 9:25am Mountain Time (8:25am Pacific Time). I mention this because I received a few emails from folks wondering why they haven't received the sale alert yet. 

Enjoy the sale, and Happy Cyber Monday!

Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO

Feedjit respects your privacy. Please click here if you would
like to stop receiving these emails or if you have joined a list and
would like to unsubscribe. You can contact us at <>.
Our postal address is: 1916 Pike Place, Suite 12365, Seattle, WA, 98101.

Minggu, 28 November 2010

The Daily Feed: Advance Notice of Cyber Monday Sale

This is a Feedjit news flash. At 8am Mountain Standard Time (7am USA Pacific Time) tomorrow morning (Monday) we're going to be starting our Cyber Monday sale for Feedjit Rush, the Feedjit Ad Network. We will be offering a large discount on 1 Million geo-targeted ad impressions and 3 Million global ad impressions. The exact discount will be announced tomorrow morning and it will be the largest discount we've ever offered. Quantities will be limited on a first come first served basis. 

We're going to email the announcement at 7am MST tomorrow with the URL you need to access the promotion, so keep an eye on your inbox. This will only be available to Daily Feed subscribers. 

Happy Turkey Day!

Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO

Feedjit respects your privacy. Please click here if you would
like to stop receiving these emails or if you have joined a list and
would like to unsubscribe. You can contact us at <>.
Our postal address is: 1916 Pike Place, Suite 12365, Seattle, WA, 98101.

Jumat, 19 November 2010

The Daily Feed Issue #51: Search (the goverment kind), Google instant bugs, spam drops and stolen pizza

Welcome to Issue #51 of The Daily Feed. If this email was forwarded to you by a friend, you can subscribe on this page. The Daily Feed is published several times a week when we have news, information and helpful tips to share. Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of this message. You can read previous editions of The Daily Feed on our blog but note that posts to our blog are delayed 24 hours or more.

This week I turned off Google instant, not because I don't like living in an instant world, but because it limits my search results to 10. If you're doing any kind of SEO research, 10 results just doesn't cut it. There's a bug that causes Google to continually show 10 results even if you asked it for 100 using advanced search. It's caused by Google instant and you need to turn it off to get back to all you can eat search results. 

In other news, a well known white hat hacker (that means he's mostly a good guy) was detained for several hours when re-entering the US this week while his laptop and cellphone was confiscated and searched. I did some googling and it turns out that the border search exception lets border agents ignore the 4th amendment which requires a warrant for search and seizure. Then a member on ycombinator's hacker news replied to a post of mine saying that in fact the border extends 100 miles inland. If you're a blogger on the coast relying on anything in the 4th amendment, good luck with that. 

Every now and then the government does actually get it right. The BBC is reporting that global spam email is down 47% after a combination of government arrests of spammers and work by private firms to shut down spam botnets. 

And finally, a Reddit member got back to their apartment and found their pizza eaten by their roommate with this note waiting for them (click it if your browser shrinks it).


Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO

Feedjit respects your privacy. Please click here if you would
like to stop receiving these emails or if you have joined a list and
would like to unsubscribe. You can contact us at <>.
Our postal address is: 1916 Pike Place, Suite 12365, Seattle, WA, 98101.

Senin, 15 November 2010

Email Transaction Receipt

Kepada Yth.
Nasabah Pengguna Fasilitas KlikBCA
Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda menggunakan fasilitas KlikBCA. Adalah salah satu kewajiban kami
untuk memastikan keamanan Anda dalam menggunakan fasilitas ini. Perkenankan kami menjelaskan Anda,
cara-cara menggunakan fasilitas KlikBCA secara aman:
1. Pastikan alamat situs KlikBCA adalah
2. Untuk menghindari kesalahan pengetikan alamat situs KlikBCA, maka Anda dapat memasukkan
    alamat situs KlikBCA ke dalam menu Favorites (jika Anda menggunakan browser Internet
    Explorer) atau menu Bookmarks (jika Anda menggunakan browser Netscape Communicator)
    dengan cara:
    A. Internet Explorer
    1. Ketik alamat situs KlikBCA pada field Address:
    2. Pilih menu Favorites yang terletak di sebelah atas dari browser Anda.
    3. Pilih Add to Favorites
    4. Ketik nama yang ingin digunakan (misalnya: BCA Internet Banking) pada field Name
    5. Klik tombol OK
    Sehingga, untuk selanjutnya jika Anda ingin mengakses situs KlikBCA cukup melakukan:
    1. Pilih menu Favorites
    2. Pilih nama situs BCA Internet Banking
    B. Netscape Communicator
    1. Ketik alamat situs KlikBCA pada field Address:
    2. Pilih menu Communicator yang terletak di sebelah atas dari browser Anda.
    3. Pilih Bookmarks
    4. Pilih Add Bookmark
    Sehingga, untuk selanjutnya jika Anda ingin mengakses situs KlikBCA cukup melakukan:
    1. Pilih menu Communicator
    2. Pilih menu Bookmarks
    3. Pilih BCA Internet Banking
3. Jagalah kerahasiaan PIN dan User ID Anda.
    a. Jangan menggunakan PIN Internet Banking yang diberikan oleh orang lain atau yang
        mudah diterka seperti tanggal lahir, no. telepon, dll.
    b. Jangan pernah memberitahukan PIN dan User ID Anda kepada siapapun untuk mendapatkan
        hadiah atau tujuan apapun lainnya termasuk kepada anggota keluarga ataupun
        sahabat baik Anda.
    c. Jika Anda tidak yakin terhadap kerahasiaan PIN Anda, kami menyarankan agar Anda
        segera mengganti PIN Anda atau mengganti secara periodik melalui menu
        Administrasi - Ganti PIN.
4. Pada saat Anda diminta memasukkan User ID dan PIN Anda di KlikBCA, pastikan field
    Address menampilkan tulisan
    Jangan pernah memasukkan User ID dan PIN Anda jika Address yang ditampilkan bukan walaupun dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi/pengumuman
    terbaru dari BCA, hadiah ataupun tujuan lainnya.
5. Didalam Anda mengakses Internet Banking BCA, harap langsung ke alamat situs KlikBCA.
    Hindari akses melalui situs atau alamat lain.
6. Harap gunakan komputer pribadi Anda didalam mengakses KlikBCA. Jangan menggunakan
    komputer yang diakses oleh banyak orang.
7. Dalam mengakses suatu situs, apabila terdapat peringatan atau Security Alert yang
    tertulis sbb:
    'The security certificate was issued by a company you have not chosen to trust. View the
    certificate to determine whether you want to trust the certifying authority', maka Anda
    harus mengklik tombol 'No' karena situs yang Anda akses tidak disertifikasi oleh lembaga
    internasional internet standard security (contoh: Verisign), sehingga tidak terjamin
Jika Anda membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi HALO BCA di 021-52999888 atau
melalui email
Hormat Kami,
PT. Bank Central Asia,Tbk

Rabu, 10 November 2010

The Daily Feed Issue #50: Google's update, affiliate tips, images for engagement and the 30/30 work cycle

Welcome to Issue #50 of The Daily Feed. If this email was forwarded to you by a friend, you can subscribe on this page. The Daily Feed is published several times a week when we have news, information and helpful tips to share. Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of this message. You can read previous editions of The Daily Feed on our blog but note that posts to our blog are delayed 24 hours or more.

On October 21st at 3pm Pacific time Google rolled out a major update to their search index. The combined effect of Google Instant and this substantial index update is being felt around the web. 

Alexa, the guys who track traffic for the top 100,000 sites on the web, have a blog entry showing a few of the winners and losers in this post-google-instant world we now live in. Oddly enough a few of the biggest winners are file sharing sites. My guess is that they're seeing more traffic because you have to actually go to a file sharing site to see if they have the file you want for download - rather than being able to see if they have what you're after from the snippet (the preview text under the page title in the search results).

ProBlogger has a few thoughts on affiliate marketing today and how to bring together reader intent, a great product and your messaging. 

BlogHerald has a post this week on how to use images to grab a user's attention and increase retention for your blog. They include a few ideas for image types. 

Firefox version 4 is on it's way and the Beta is looking surprisingly similar to Chrome. I'm glad to hear the javascript engine is getting a much needed speed increase. 

And finally: If you enjoy life hacks, check out this blog entry about the 30/30 work cycle. Quote: "I sit at my desk and work for 30 minutes without distraction, completely absorbed in my work. Then, after the 30 minutes are up, I drop whatever I'm doing and go do something fun for 30 minutes. During this relaxation time, I don't think about work at all - I play games, write, whatever, but no work. After 30 minutes, I go back to my desk, rinse and repeat."


Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO.

Feedjit respects your privacy. Please click here if you would
like to stop receiving these emails or if you have joined a list and
would like to unsubscribe. You can contact us at <>.
Our postal address is: 1916 Pike Place, Suite 12365, Seattle, WA, 98101.

Selasa, 02 November 2010

The Daily Feed Issue #49: Highlighter, Twitter ads, optimizing forms and luck

Welcome to Issue #49 of The Daily Feed. If this email was forwarded to you by a friend, you can subscribe on this page. The Daily Feed is published several times a week when we have news, information and helpful tips to share. Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of this message. You can read previous editions of The Daily Feed on our blog but note that posts to our blog are delayed 24 hours or more.

Friends of ours launched a great service today called It's a wordpress plugin that lets you visitors comment on text in your blog entries. It also lets your visitors share your content via Facebook and Twitter, driving more traffic to your site. You're hearing about Highlighter a full week before the press launch, so if you're an early adopter, be sure to give it a try. [Disclosure: Neither I nor Feedjit have received any compensation for mentioning highlighter. They are good friends and part of the Techstars program where I am a mentor.]

AdAge is reporting that Twitter today started injecting paid ads into tweet streams. Initially you'll only see the ads if you use HootSuite. Twitter have a revenue sharing deal with HootSuite where Twitter sells the ads and they split the revenue with HootSuite. I'm sure this will quickly expand to every Twitter client including My guess is that this will be their business model going forward. 

If you ever thought small changes to your web form didn't yield results, read this article about how Expedia earned $12 Million more per year by removing a single text field. Their "Company" field in the checkout form was confusing customers, so they removed it and saw a huge increase in the number of completed transactions and revenue.

And finally: From the luckiest-girl-alive department, the BBC is reporting today that an 18 month toddler fell from a 6 story building, bounced off an awning and was caught... wait for it... by a doctor. She was completely unharmed, shed a little tear and then quickly calmed down. 

Have a spectacular Wednesday!

Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO.

Feedjit respects your privacy. Please click here if you would
like to stop receiving these emails or if you have joined a list and
would like to unsubscribe. You can contact us at <>.
Our postal address is: 1916 Pike Place, Suite 12365, Seattle, WA, 98101.