We have a very exciting announcement today. During the last few weeks Feedjit has seen huge growth in the number of impressions we have available for advertisers. As a way of saying thank you we are going to pass on the benefits of that growth directly to you, our advertisers.
Two weeks ago we announced a Feedjit Rush special that gave you 6 million ad impressions for $49.
Today we're announcing that due to the huge growth in our available ad inventory we're going to extend this pricing indefinitely. In other words, from now on you'll be able to buy 6 Million ad impressions for only $49 at Feedjit.
That makes us the most price competitive Ad Network on the Web.
Thanks for supporting Feedjit and we will continue to work hard to deliver more value for your ad dollars, pounds, yen and euros. Our regular Weekly Feed newsletter with SEO and marketing tips and info will go out later this week.
Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO
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Our postal address is: 1916 Pike Place, Suite 12365, Seattle, WA, 98101.
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